Robert Leeper

Visual Studio Code crashed our server

#vscode #remote_ssh #dev_problems

Feeling frustrated because your server keeps crashing while using the Remote SSH extension in Visual Studio Code? Can't quite figure out what's causing it?

Well after bringing down our dev server far too many times, and plenty of server logs and Google searches later, we found what was causing it.

As it turns out, Visual Studio Code can take up a beastly amount of resources when connecting with Remote SSH. The extension temporarily installs a lot of things on the server and runs processes that eat up resources. If there isn't enough memory or CPU bandwidth to handle everything it all, you're going to have a bad time.

So what's a developer to do?

Stop VS Code from installing unnecessary extensions on the server.

Steps to remove the TypeScript and Javascript Language Features extension from VS Code
Steps to remove the TypeScript and Javascript Language Features extension from VS Code

We're going to tell VS Code to stop. Simple!™

Go to the extensions tab in VS Code.

Search for "@builtin TypeScript"

Use the button to disable the TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features extension.


That's it. It really is that simple.